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How to Stage Your Home

Every home has unique qualities that should be "shown off" to a potential home buyer. Home Staging means to simply 'stage' your home correctly to highlight these special qualities.
Below are a few tips to make sure your house is looking its best when you are showing your home to potential home buyers.
Make a List
The first thing to do as simple as it sounds, is to make a list. This can seem like an overwhelming process at first, but if you write things down, and check them off as you go, things will go a lot smoother.
Curb Appeal
The outside of your home is the first impression a potential buyer will have. Assess what needs to be done to make your home more attractive from the outside. You may need to buy a couple of new plants or flowers, or hire a reasonably priced landscaper. This can be a big help in speeding the home selling process along.
Cleanliness is Key
Professional Cleaning is recommended to get that model home look. It is important that your house is spick and span. This can include carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning etc. Money on this service is well spent, and will be worth it to you when you get the selling price you asked for. If you can't afford professional cleaning, do some of the cleaning yourself. A new coat of paint, patch up a hole with some putty, etc.
Get rid of any clutter in your home. Put away family pictures, and things unique to you. You want to have the potential buyer to be able to imagine themselves living there.
Determine the Selling Points
Do you have a special view or a favorite room in your home? Maybe your driveway is extremely attractive. You get the idea! Chances are there is something unique and special about your home that other people will enjoy as much as you. Figure out what these are, write them down, and be sure to accentuate them. For example, if you have a great fireplace, make sure you add some framed pictures ,pieces of art , or flowers turned in towards the fireplace.
Make it Look Like a Model
At some point you have looked in a magazine, or been to a model home. Try to think of your home like a model home, and act accordingly. Don't be afraid to buy a couple of lifestyle magazines to emulate what you see. You may even have some fun!
If your home is cool, make it warm, if your home is warm, make it cool. You want to create a cozy atmosphere to your potential buyers feels at home.
Smelling Great
Make sure your house is smelling its best. Invest in a few scented candles and set them around your kitchen, and bathrooms. Flowers are a great idea as well. Set flowers out on kitchen tables, and coffee tables. These are a great source of scent, and visually pleasing as well.
Soothing Sounds
Be sure to have soft soothing music on when showing your home. Make sure there is no outside noise to distract the home buyer from enjoying the different rooms in your home.