Paying all of your bills on time each month is the easiest way to boost your score and show lenders that they can depend on you to pay your mortgage on time.
Making a large down payment - The larger the down payment, the less of a risk it is for banks to lend you money because you have significant equity invested in the home. A down payment of 20% or more of the purchase price increases the chance that you'll qualify for a loan with decent terms.
Having a low debt-to-income ratio - Lenders look to see how much money you make compared to how much debt you have. A low debt-to-income ratio means you make significantly more than you owe. If you are considered to have “no credit” because you don’t have lines of credit open like a car payment or credit card, some lenders will consider 'alternative' sources of credit such as utility bills, cell phone, gym membership, or rent. Typically, no credit buyers will need at least four of these alternative sources with reported data for a minimum of 1 to 2 years.